RESOLVE is an integrated Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program, consisting of three main components:
1. FIRST.home: The patient receives a pre-configured FIRST.home device, which is ready to be used for monitoring lung function, blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and symptoms.
2. RESOLVE Portal: a platform for remote patient monitoring and data visualization. It allows healthcare professionals to access and analyze real-time patient data.
3. Remote Data Supervision with AI based algorithm: RESOLVE service incorporates a clinically validated, patented algorithm that enhances the ability of the monitory personnel to detect early signs of lung function deterioration.
Thanks to the RESOLVE service, patients will be able to collect valuable and reliable data about their health status allowing to healthcare professionals to remotely monitor patients’ respiratory health and provide personalized care based on real-time data analysis.
FIRST and FIRST.home will soon be available in the European market, pending CE approval.
How it works

Enrollment: After enrolling in the program, the patient receives the FIRST.home device, already configured and ready for use.

Daily Monitoring Session: The patient performs a monitoring session each day, which takes less than 5 minutes. This session includes:
– Measurement of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate.
– Completion of a symptom questionnaire.
– Measurement of lung function by breathing normally through the device for 10 breaths.

Data Analysis: At the end of the monitoring session, powerful and validated algorithms analyze the oscillometry data. The algorithms removes measurements artifacts and compare the current data with those collected during the previous 10 days to identify any potential trends of deterioration

Automatic Data Transmission:Thanks to the integrated connectivity of the FIRST.home device, at the end of each monitoring session the collected data and the results of the analysis are automatically sent to the RESOLVE platform, and the FIRST.home device switches o automatically.

Remote Monitoring by Healthcare Professionals: Monitoring nurses utilize the RESOLVE platform to access real-time data. They evaluate the identified alerts of lung function deterioration, pulse oximetry, heart rate data, and symptoms reported by the patients. If necessary, they may contact the patients by phone for further evaluation.

Collaboration with Physicians: If a deterioration is suspected, the monitoring nurses notify the physician identified by the patient and indicate the suspected deterioration for further evaluation and intervention. automatically.
The RESOLVE service enables proactive monitoring of patients’ respiratory health from the comfort of their own homes. It empowers healthcare professionals to detect early signs of deterioration and take appropriate actions to optimize patient care and prevent exacerbations.
How it works

How to Enroll
Clinical data1 have shown that RESOLVE service is more effective in reducing the risk of hospital readmission for specific categories of COPD patients, including:
1. COPD with a previous hospital admission for disease exacerbation in the past 12 months
2. COPD patients with cardiac comorbidities
Are you a doctor?
Contact us today to learn more about the RESOLVE service and how it can improve the quality of life and respiratory health of your patients.
Are you a COPD patient?
Talk to your doctor about whether home oscillometry is right for you. It could be a valuable tool to help you manage your condition and live a healthier life.
The service is currently available only for European citizens/countries
1Walker PP, Pompilio PP, Zanaboni P, et al. Telemonitoring in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (CHROMED). A Randomized Clinical Trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
FIRST.home represents the last step of RESTECH R&D journey on unsupervised home oscillometry.
Its compact size and advanced features, seamlessly integrating oscillometry with a pulse oximetry sensor and connectivity module, empower both patients and physicians to take charge of respiratory care like never before.
Main features:
- User-friendly interface for simple operation and administration of symptom questionnaires.
- Integrated Pulse Oximetry, heart rate sensor and built-in accelerometer for monitoring patient head and neck position during the test.
- Built-in connectivity for seamless data sharing with the RESOLVE cloud portal.
- Employs an advanced patented algorithm for automatic detection of worsening trends.
- Equipped with a special mouthpiece with a cheek holder and tongue position retainer.
RESOLVE Platform
- A medical class I, CE-marked web portal used by monitoring nurses to analyze home data and manage patient care.
- Seamless connection with FIRST.home device
- Provides a comprehensive view of patient data and enables remote patient management.
- Facilitates timely interventions based on real-time data and patient-reported symptoms

a 10-Year Journey of Respiratory Advancements
In 2009, RESTECH team played a pivotal role in advancing respiratory physiology by publishing one of the first daily series of oscillometry measurements collected at home by unsupervised elderly patients2.
In 2013, RESTECH made a significant contribution to the advancement of respiratory physiology with the launch of the first medical device for home oscillometry, RESMON PRO DIARY. By empowering patients to measure oscillometry at home, this innovative device enabled researchers to study daily oscillometry fluctuations for the first time, enabling new research fields.
Since then, daily use of RESTECH home oscillometry has consistently demonstrated high feasibility and the ability to provide high-quality data with adherence rates exceeding 85% at nine months1,3.
The integration of RESTECH home oscillometry with real-time AI based algorithms has proven highly effective in analyzing daily data fluctuations enabling:
- the detection of COPD exacerbations up to three days before evident respiratory symptoms3
- identification of subjects with asthma with and accuracy of 0.91, significantly better than other more traditional techniques such as peak flowmeters4
- identification of future asthma acute events with an accuracy of 94%5
RESTECH AI-based algorithms for the early identification of COPD exacerbation have been validated by a European multicenter clinical trial1. The study demonstrated the following benefits:
- A remarkable 54% reduction in the risk of rehospitalization.
- A significant decrease in the average length of hospital stays, from four days to just one day.
- Notably effective results for elderly COPD patients with a history of severe exacerbations and those with cardiac comorbidities.